<aside> đź“Ś Pre-requisites SAML is available to ShareCal Enterprise customers only. Reach out to [email protected] if you would like to upgrade to an Enterprise plan.


Supported features

The ShareCal/Okta SAML integration currently supports the following features:

Configuration steps

  1. Copy the Metadata URL from the Okta Admin Console, SAML 2.0 Sign on methods section.
  2. Contact the ShareCal support team ([email protected]) and request to enable SAML 2.0 for your account. Include the "Metadata URL" value from the previous step. The ShareCal support team will process your request and provide you with an SSO ID and an encryption certificate.
  3. Your SAML configuration for ShareCal is complete. You can start assigning people to the application.

SP-initiated SSO

The sign-in process is initiated from ShareCal.

  1. From your browser, navigate to the https://sharecal.io/auth/login.
  2. Enter your email address and click “Submit”. If your credentials are valid, you will be redirected to the ShareCal dashboard.


If you have any questions or need support with your ShareCal/Okta SAML integration, contact our support team at [email protected].